Top Five Augmented Reality Trends in Education

Augmented Reality [AR] is growing exponentially across industries as the demand for new creative solutions rises. Experts believe that we are just starting to discover this technology’s full potential, meaning that the featured trends in education will blossom in the years to come.

AR’s notoriety began growing in the entertainment industry, from its use in social media to experiences such as “Pokemon GO”. It then bridged to the education industry, with creative companies and organizations imagining what education in the future would look like. Its main purpose is to engage students in multisensory, creative learning, allowing them to better understand and connect with complex concepts, to not only retain information but also to be inspired by the joy and fun of learning [a spark that many lose with traditional systems].

If you are reading this article, most likely you are interested in understanding the possibilities of AR for education, so let’s explore the top trends as of today. If you pay close attention and reflect on the awesome directions these AR technologies could go towards, you too can be a pioneer and spokesperson that this industry needs.

1) AR Gaming

Pokémon Go proved to be the catalyst and a game changer for AR in gaming, due to the increased immersion players felt while exploring a real environment to find fictional characters they loved and adored. 

Educators are understanding the benefits of gamification in the classroom, such as:

– Increased interactivity and fun,

– Creating an “addiction” to learning, 

– Understanding real-life applications of knowledge learnt,

– Increasing social skills, by students collaborating and competing together.

2) AR-Driven Textbooks

An image offers a single perspective, while a 3D model is a full explorative experience. Take the solar system for example and imagine the differences in experience between visualizing it while looking at a classic textbook image, or while moving around, zooming closer and farther away from a full 3D model, which can appear in your room or class!
Or take human anatomy and imagine seeing every organ, muscle, or tissue inside and outside in detail.

Physical and Digital textbooks with embedded AR models increase engagement tenfold, assisting educators by creating visual representations of the subject in question.

Learn more about CleverBook’s innovative “AR Digital Textbooks” tool for teachers here:

3) Educational Itineraries

Museums, art exhibitions, heritage tours and so much more. AR can be used to Augment various elements or objects. Imagine looking at a broken ancient greek vase at a museum, scanning it with your smartphone to view how it used to look in its full splendour. Or, visualize walking in the great library of Alexandria before it was burned down, something no one has seen for hundreds of years.

You can view the real-life examples of implementing educational itineraries as one of the outstanding trends in education here:

4) Education for students with special needs

AR helps kids with learning difficulties, due to the ease of use, multisensory and engaging learning. Thus, schools are beginning to adopt AR starting with students with special needs.

5) Simulations

From aeroplane pilots, NASA engineers building satellites and rockets, military or medical personnel, to firefighters. Individuals training for these positions could use AR simulations to experience real-life scenarios in a safe, cost-efficient environment.

These are only a few examples of what already exists today on the market. Who knows where the AR space will be in the coming years? 

Don’t just sit and wait for it, be part of this new exciting frontier! You can start by joining forces with us: become an official CleverBooks ambassador! free to follow our social media to stay up-to-date with the latest developments in the AR for education space.

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Top Five Augmented Reality Trends in Education