Valuable Augmented Reality Apps for K-12

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The number of Augmented Reality apps in education is increasing exponentially. As new applications covering various subjects are developed, AR becomes more integrated with everyday classroom learning (both remote and hybrid). AR experiences will soon be available as companions for every subject and subtopic. Their usage will increase student engagement, subsequent information retention, and test scores.

Let’s take a look at the most valuable AR apps for K-12 science that you can start using right now.

1. Astronomy and Aerospace engineering

Assemble spaceships while learning about each component. Launch them into space, test your knowledge and explore the solar system.

Stargazing is easy with SkyView. Simply point your mobile device camera at the sky to identify stars, constellations, planets, and more!

Learn about the birth and expansion of the universe as it happens right in front of you!

2. Biology & Anatomy

The app provides a detailed and comprehensive exploration of human anatomy.

Full and detailed exploration of human body system.

  • BrainapseLearn about the anatomy, structure, and functions of the human skull and brain, including its evolution.

Discover a frog’s unique life cycle and intricate anatomical details.

Delve into the world of plants. Arloon Plants focuses on plant adaptations in 4 ecosystems: Taiga, Desert, Mediterranean Forest, and Steppe. 

3. Chemistry

Enjoy illustration of various chemical elements and the reactions they have.

  • Biochem ARAllows users to explore the 3-dimensional structures of biological molecules in the real world.

4. Physics

Illustrates the physics laws in a fun and engaging way.

As you can see, the potential of augmented reality apps in science education is enormous. The only thing is left to do – implement it!

Would you like to join a community of like-minded education innovators? Join our Discord server, where you can exchange ideas, ask questions, share feedback on apps and experiences. And have fun!

Learn more about AR Teaching: CleverBooks for Educators

Valuable Augmented Reality Apps for K-12